How this thing started?

State of open source eCommerce - Logo

Correct me if I'm wrong but most of eCommerce developers, especially backend developers (like myself), are stuck with 1, maybe 2 platforms for many years. We dedicated our time, master (if possible) those frameworks and when asked to learn new ones we ask: BUT WHY?

I'll do all work faster on MY current platforms!

Well, I am (was?) one of those backend devs. After working all day in the office / remotely, managing team of developers and dealing with Clients there was never enough time for research on
what is going on in eCommerce development.

I've found myself kind of stuck with 3 platforms I've mastered over the years, all new deals and contracts were related to the same platforms all over again. But... platforms have become buggy and it was very hard to keep track of all the issues, even with email notifications.

My first idea was to create a simple site to track most critical issues of Magento 2 platform (it is 80% of work) , show some important numbers, basically to review the platform status based on repository data. After talking to few good Magento Friends new ideas popped up in my head:

Lets compare platforms by their public repository data.

and again, idea quickly grew from 3 up to 18 platforms which you can see on the home page.

So how about learning new stuff while doing it? I've done some research and decided:

  • Frontend: NEXT.js
  • Backend: Rest API based on symfony application

I've also decided to RATE each platform based on it's public issue / pull request (PRs) data. Score is based on weighted average, you can see more details HERE

About me

Jakub Winkler - qoliberMy name js Jakub Winkler and it is great to meet you!

I've been an eCommerce Developer since 2012, programmer since 14 years old. (C++ and Pascal were the only ones then, life was simpler..)

Founder of:
qoliber, eCommerce software house with Magento as our platform of choice (and still is).

My main area of expertise is Magento 1/2 and Optimizing performance of ecommerce platforms. I've been a consultant, implementation advisor, tech lead and main developer for over 100 Magento projects by now.

What else?

  • Speaker on Meet Magento events
  • Basically an autodidact for Magento & eCommerce
I hope some of you will join me in this project and we will change this into ABOUT US page :-)