How the score is calculated?

Before the math...

Below this section you will find a short description how current score of an eCommerce platform is calculated.

I do realize that there are many, many factors which should be included in the score... and that is when I do need your help.

Send me a message / reach out to me on twitter / facebook / linkedin / phone(?) and let's discuss better ways to score those eCommerce platforms!

The "math":

This is nothing complex and current formula is based only on

  • issue data
  • pull request data
  • number of bugs
  • latest release

It's simple: score is based on weighted average
weighted average
Number of confirmed bugs Number of issuesAverage open issue lifetimeAverage PR lifetime (merged)Last official release dateContributors countscore (x)
up to 49up to 50below 2 weeksbelow 2 weeksin last 30 daysabove 50010
50-9951-1002-4 weeks2-4 weeks30-60 days ago250-5008
100-249101-2504-8 weeks4-8 weeks60-150 days ago125-2506
250-499251-5008-24 weeks8-24 weeks150-250 days ago50-1254
500-749501-75024-48 weeks24-48 weeks250-500 days ago25-502
above 750above 750above 48 weeksabove 48 weeksover 500 days10-251
Param weight (w)
number of confirmed bugs10.00
number of issues2.00
average open issue lifetime1.50
average PR lifetime (merged)4.00
Last official release date5.00
Contributor count5.00